Types of Reading Experiences

Psychic reading divination experiences

Coffee Ground Readings – These readings are performed in a private setting or at house parties.

Tasseomancy (tasseography, tassology or tasseology) is a divination method that interprets patterns, symbols and imagery from tea leaves, coffee grounds or wine sediments as gritty residue left behind in a drinking vessel. The word originates from the Arabic word Tas meaning cup. Other resources also mention that the prefix comes from the French word tasse meaning cup. The Greek suffixes -mancy (divination); [-graph (writing), -logy (study of)].

Coffee Ground History
This form of divination first appeared in the Ottoman palaces in the 1500s (16th century) among the harem. The palace wives would create stories based on the coffee ground imagery. Coffee reading is still very popular in Turkey and Greece. You can also find it in Russia and Eastern Europe, as well as Baltic and Middle Eastern countries.

     I will be conducting the divination process of brewing the coffee, providing the coffee and the cups to drink from. Any form of a sweetener for the coffee would need to be provided by the client.  It is recommended that any sweetener be used minimally.


Tarot Readings 
     Tarot card readings have been around for a long time.  Some sources claim that the cards have been used for divination for 400 years while other authorities cite dates as far back as the early Egypt.  We will probably never know for sure.

     Tarot cards work on the theory of “Archetypal Images”  These images, or symbols, according to this theory, are all resident in human consciousness.  You can think of this as a universal silent language.  When the cards are being shuffled it is thought that the client is the one who is actually controlling where the cards go.  Then the reader just helps interpret the meanings of the images that have been painted by the client.  Tarot, in and of itself, is a very structured system in regards to the meanings of the cards.


      I use a standard deck of tarot cards for this technique.  I prefer that a client has ready, several questions, or topics, that they wish to explore.  It is possible to do a “general overview” or a card layout for “What my Higher Self wants me to know at this time.  Just remember that the more concise the question is, the more likely that the answers will prove valid.


Oracle Card Readings

     This type of card readings relies much more on creative and intuitive interpretation of the symbols that are provided by a specific deck.   Each different type of deck ties into specific information about the subject matter that is depicted within its artwork.

    With Oracle cards, there are nowhere near the same types of rules or limits that you would find with a tarot reading.  In many ways, an Oracle deck reading is much softer or kinder than a Tarot reading.